Casino du Lac Leamy Sound of Light, Ottawa (Canada)

August 2012, great fireworks by Pyro Spectaculars (USA)

A few different pictures

marrons d air colores
Rare (at least on this web site:), a picture with only (colored) flashes

casino lac leamy quebec

colorful firework tree

comment photographier un feu artifice

grands feux du casino du lac leamy

best american fireworks

greatest pyro spectacular show

ca part dans tous les sens

papillons de feu artifice

pyrotechnie bombe demi sphere
Half globe-shaped burst of stars

smiley fireworks
Smiley ;)

gribouillis d adultes

casino du lac leamy sound of light

spectacle pyromusical gatineau ca

gold and silver fireworks

pyrospectaculars usa colors

red smoke

black metal style fireworks bees

meilleur emplacement feu artifice

colorful willow fireworks

eventail or bleu

photographe professionnel feu artifice

best firework pictures ever
"Whaou" effect guaranteed with the high resolution version of this picture :)

bouquet final

Thanks Pyro Spectaculars team for this wonderful show! A lot more pictures are available.

